The workplace of the future

The working world has changed. We see stringent health and safety measures, a digital toolbox to connect to clients and colleagues alongside a greater emphasis on balancing living and working. There are other changes, including the nature of our conversations at work. Previously office-based, many of us are no longer physically attached to a workplace. Remote meetings have become the default option. Workplace conversations may have changed forever.

So, with fewer team activities, can a business develop its identity and foster a sense of community? It needs more effort, more thought and more planning. There have to be planned conversations between managers and peers about work and life. Daily and weekly catch-ups alongside formal performance reviews.

Naturally remote conversations lack the depth of in-person meetings because you miss the subtle, non-verbal cues of body language so building rapport can be more difficult. Exchanges may be briefer and more functional.

Good communication has never been more important. Avoiding a difficult conversation now may provoke an extensive grievance in the future. You cannot let workplace conversations die: productivity, performance and the well-being of your workforce depend on them.

Communication is the lifeblood of your business, so develop managers’ conversational skills to keep the it flowing. Conversational intelligence requires active listening, empathy and self-awareness. Decide how you will equip your managers for the future.