Preparing for the end of the Brexit transition period

The Brexit transition is the period agreed in the UK-EU Withdrawal Agreement in which the UK is no longer a member of the EU but continues to be subject to EU rules and remains a member of the single market and customs union. It ends on 31st December 2020.

What should you do?

Check the right to work

Until 30th June 2021, you should check a job applicant’s right to work in the same way as now. So EEA citizens can continue to use their passport or national identity card. If they give you a share code, you can use the online right to work checking service.

EU Settlement Scheme

EEA citizens and their family members who are living in the UK before 1st January 2021 need to apply to the EU Settlement Scheme by 30th June 2021 to continue living in the UK. You may want to remind your employees about the EU Settlement Scheme.

New immigration system

A new immigration system will apply to people arriving in the UK from 1st January 2021 and EEA citizens moving to the UK to work will need to get a visa in advance. EEA citizens applying for a skilled worker visa will need to show they have a job offer from an approved employer sponsor to be able to apply. If you’re planning to sponsor skilled migrants from 2021, and aren’t currently an approved sponsor, get approved now.

To assess what actions your business needs to take, here’s a checker tool where you answer questions and receive a detailed personalised action plan. It includes family and personal circumstances. Once you have your action plan, you can subscribe to updates about further changes that may affect you.