New CIPD guide on workplace transgender and non-binary diversity, equity and inclusion

On 5th September 2023, the CIPD published new guidance on transgender and non-binary equity, diversity, and inclusion (‘DEI’) in the workplace. The guide aims to help people professionals, employers and people managers take a proactive and informed approach to supporting transgender and non-binary people at work, as part of a broader EDI policy. Drawing from insights from people with lived experience, it will help employers understand the issues and challenges facing transgender and non-binary people at work.

It covers the employee lifecycle – from recruitment to progression – as well as building inclusive cultures more broadly. Key areas include:

  • UK employment law – the legal considerations and the protected characteristic of gender reassignment under the Equality Act 2010.
  • Policy – ensuring internal EDI policies support transgender and non-binary inclusion within the workplace.
  • Workplace culture – creating safe and equal workplaces where everyone can thrive.
  • Employee lifecycle – inclusion throughout employee tenure including recruitment, onboarding and progression.
  • Inclusive language – encouraging employers to think ‘additively’ when referring to typically gendered areas of policy. Adding people in rather than taking anyone out.
  • Managing different views – recognising the right for people to hold and express different beliefs while drawing boundaries between acceptable and unacceptable behaviour.
  • Supporting a transition at work – how to support colleagues through their individual journeys.
  • Data management – ensuring privacy is paramount and that personal data are not shared unless there is explicit agreement or instruction.

Source: CIPD: Transgender and non-binary EDI in the workplace (5 September 2023).