Five potential reasonable adjustments for hybrid workers

1 Allow more time at home

Your policy may require full-time employees to spend, say, two days a week in the office. Be flexible. That may not work for everyone. Disabilities may make commuting difficult for some, they may need to be close to their home bathroom or they have specialist equipment at home. Consider whether they should work from home all or most of the time.

2 Avoid rush hour

Vulnerable employees may wish to avoid travelling on public transport at busier times because they are at greater risk from coronavirus. Think about having a flexible window for when they start and finish work. This may work better than fixed times, particularly for those with anxiety whose condition may fluctuate.

3 Equip your employees to work remotely

If you provide specialist equipment for a disabled employee in the workplace then it is likely that you will have to do the same if they will work at home. If it is a reasonable adjustment, your business will need to pay for it.

4 Communicate

Ensure that the way that you communicate with your disabled employees is effective and appropriate. Take care not to exclude your disabled employees from meetings, particularly if everyone else is physically present. Actively encourage them to engage.

5 Avoid isolation

Working remotely and interacting less socially may lead some employees to feel isolated, particularly those with mental health conditions. The risk may be higher with new starters who have not had the chance to develop work relationships.

Consider more regular catch-ups with them than are necessary with existing staff, providing a mentor or buddy to maintain contact and offering additional training to get them up to speed.