Covid-19: new vaccination guidance for employers

The government has published new guidance for employers on Covid-19 vaccination, which includes information and resources to help support staff and promote the programme.

So, what should you do?

You catch more flies with honey than with vinegar, so adopt an open and conciliatory approach.


Share the facts about vaccination. Direct people to trusted sources of information when they ask for more details. Share practical information about how to get vaccinated. You speak to your employees regularly so use those media such as newsletters, intranet, and e-mails to explain the importance of Covid-19 vaccination., as well as how and where to get the vaccine in their local area.

Here is a communication toolkit from Public Health England that will help. It includes a question and answer document, editorial content covering essential vaccination information, scripts to inform internal conversations, links to videos and webinars, posters, screensavers, intranet banners and e-mail signatures.


Your senior leaders should show support for vaccination and share their experiences. That will help to allay fears. Consider using departmental ‘champions’ to promote vaccination.


Point employees to experts and community leaders who are promoting the vaccine. The toolkit provides links to videos and webinars with experts and leaders that you can share with your employees.


Consider allowing time off to get vaccinated. Decide whether you will pay for the time. These measures will be cheaper and quicker than replacing people.