Care sector employers planning to maintain Covid-19 restrictions

The legal requirement to self-isolate for those who test positive for Covid-19 and unvaccinated close contacts of positive cases is expected to end in England by 24th March 2022 or sooner. However, to protect residents and to minimise transmission to other staff, employers in the care home sector reportedly intend to continue to require workers to wear face coverings and for those who test positive for Covid-19 to self-isolate after the legal requirement to do so ends in England.

In addition, it is expected that face coverings will remain for workers in this sector, despite there being no legal requirement to wear one with effect from 27th January 2022.

Unison has called on all employers, not only those in the care sector, to continue to identify and reduce risks for employees regardless of the legislation and guidance in place. This may involve voluntary measures to reduce the likelihood of Covid-19 outbreaks.