Hybrid working

As we adapt to the new working environment, many of you are considering asking your people to split their time between working from home and attending the workplace. Employees may have been working flexibly because of the pandemic and you may wish to make this arrangement permanent, particularly if they have performed to, or above the standard that you require.

The pandemic brought homeworking without planning, without structure, without choice, without childcare, sometimes without necessarily the right equipment. You now have the chance to formalise arrangements that you fell into through necessity. When writing to confirm an agreed change, what should you cover?

Contractual variation

Explain that this new working arrangement constitutes a permanent variation to their contract of employment along with the agreed working pattern. Which days will they spend at home and which days will they attend the workplace.


Remind employees that there will be times when you require them to work elsewhere as and when your business reasonably requires.


Set out any restrictions on working in public places and working remotely from abroad.


List the equipment needed to work remotely. Laptop computer, printer, mobile phone and an appropriate desk and chair. Explain who will provide and maintain each item.

Working safely

Repeat any safe working measures to which employees must adhere when attending the workplace. Refer to your policy if you have one.


Explain the hotdesking arrangements at your workplace and any regional workspace hubs where the employee can go to work


Don’t lose touch with employees. To manage and develop employees you will need to communicate regularly. Decide whether that communication should be formalised in the letter.


Encourage employees to take rest breaks while working at home and clarify arrangements for booking and taking annual leave to ensure that they have time away from work.


Secure evidence of your agreement by requiring employees to sign, date and return a copy of the letter by the date you specify.