30.06.2009 // Andrew Haldenby, Director – Reform

30th June 2009

On the 30th June 2009 we held a dinner at the Royal Automobile Club in London with Andrew Haldenby, Director of Reform


Ken Anderson, Managing Director – UBS Investment Bank

Robert Arnott, Head of Value for Money and Productivity Unit – Home Office

Celia Baxter, Director of Group Human Resources – Bunzl

Barry Cole, Global and Financial Risk Management – Barclays Capital

Barry Hibbert, Chief Executive Officer – Polestar UK Print

Bob Mackenzie, Chief Executive – Sea Containers

Chai Patel, Chairman – Court Cavendish

Eric Prescott, Chief Executive – Leonard Cheshire Disability

Barbara Tuge-Erecinska, The Ambassador to the Republic of Poland – Embassy of the Republic of Poland

Ian Tyler, Chief Executive – Balfour Beatty

Philip Yea