01.04.2008 // David Hillier, Chief Executive – Ramsay Health Care UK

1st April 2008

On the 1st April 2008 we held a dinner at the Royal Automobile Club in London with David Hillier, Chief Executive of Ramsay Health Care UK


Geoff Benn, Group Development Director – Care UK

Sarah Clark, Commercial Director – Virgin Healthcare

Sir Peter Gershon, Chairman – General Healthcare Group

Paul Greensmith, Chief Executive Officer – Care Management Group

Paulo Hala, Managing Director – E C DeWitt and Company

Tony Heywood, Chair – English Community Care Association

Fred Hucker, Chair – Oxfordshire Primary Care Trust

Charmaine McDonald, Vice President and Managing Director – McKesson Provider Technologies

Professor Chris Price, Board Member – The Carter Review into NHS Pathology

Richard Steeves, Chief Executive – Synergy Healthcare

Martin Woods, Health Sector Adviser – 3i Group

Mathew Young, Director – Public Policy Projects