Is your equality and diversity training up to date?

In a recent Tribunal discrimination case at the Employment Appeal Tribunal the employer’s defence that it had provided equality and diversity training was criticised. The perpetrator and three others who were aware of the discrimination had participated in training, but it had been provided two years previously and was declared ‘stale’ and ‘ineffective’. The tribunal found that it would be reasonable to expect the company to provide refresher training.

Watershed is an employment law and HR consultancy that combines long-standing experience with pragmatic innovation.

If you are looking for equality and diversity training for your team, we have solutions to suit your needs. For example, we can offer a two-hour online refresher course or a five-hour comprehensive course on all aspects of discrimination, diversity and inclusion at work.

Our courses can be tailored for first time attendees, a refresher for experienced or previously trained managers, or we can provide training for the whole organisation.

For more information on how Watershed can help you to develop a fairer, more inclusive working environment, stay on top of training requirements and mitigate risks relating to discrimination and harassment, call me on 07715 495724.