Complaints procedure

If you have any problem with our service, the level of our fees, or with the way in which we have dealt with any job (whether or not you are the client), please first contact the person dealing with the matter, and they will do their best to resolve the issue.

If you do not wish to raise it with them directly or they have not been able to assist then please contact Keith Morgan.  His details are set out in your terms of business letter sent at the outset of the matter.  Alternatively please contact Mandy Collinson on +44 161 703 5611 who can provide you with the appropriate contact details.

We treat complaints very seriously and make every effort to deal with them effectively.  We will investigate your complaint and respond fully as soon as possible.  We aim to acknowledge your complaint within three working days from the date of receipt and send an initial response within 10 working days.  Should a substantive response be required we aim to send this to you within 20 working days.  If, for any reason, we are unable to respond fully within 20 working days, we will tell you why, and when we expect to be able to reply in full.

We aim to resolve your complaint as quickly as possible and in any event within eight weeks from the date of receipt.

If we are unable to resolve your difficulty in this way, you will be offered the opportunity of an internal review.  This will usually be handled by Andrew Collinson.

If you remain dissatisfied you may be able to use the service provided by the Legal Ombudsman.  However, please note that the service provided by the Legal Ombudsman is only available to certain types of clients/organisations.  More details of those eligible for the service can be found on the Legal Ombudsman’s website.  Alternatively, you should contact the Ombudsman on the helpline number which is 0300 555 0333, or in writing to PO Box 6806, Wolverhampton, WV1 9WJ.  If you are calling from overseas, the contact telephone number is +44 121 245 3050.  You can e-mail the Legal Ombudsman on

A six-month time limit from the date of our final response normally applies to complaints to the Legal Ombudsman.  Since 1st April 2023, the Legal Ombudsman will expect complaints to be made to them within a year of the date of the act or omission about which you are complaining or within a year of when you should reasonably have realised there was cause for complaint.

More information can be found on its website:

If you genuinely believe that the business or one of our solicitors has breached the professional standards set by the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA), you can complain to it directly through its website at

The applicable professional standards are described on the SRA website: